Dirk Holding B.V. ID 61890748

  • Summary

    Created in Netherlands, Dirk Holding B.V. is a registered business entity and is a Besloten Vennootschap under local business registration law. Assigned the registration number 09150233, according to the registry, it is now Active.

  • Status

    Active updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Besloten Vennootschap more like this →

  • Address

    Nijverheidsweg 60, Nijmegen, 6541CM, Netherlands
  • Regulatory regime

    Kamer van Koophandel

  • Update status

    Last update: 2024-02-14 17:01:50 UTC

  • Comments

Dirk + Holding B.V. ID 62091925

  • Summary

    Dirk + Holding B.V. is an entity formed in Netherlands and is a Besloten Vennootschap in accordance with local laws and regulations. Having the registration number 27307222, according to the official registry, it is currently Active.

  • Status

    Active updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Besloten Vennootschap more like this →

  • Address

    Leeuwendaallaan 50, Rijswijk, 2281GR, Netherlands
  • Update status

    Last update: 2024-02-08 23:42:09 UTC

Dirk Holding B.V. ID 62108493

  • Summary

    Dirk Holding B.V. is a business entity formed in Netherlands and is a Besloten Vennootschap in accordance with local laws and regulations. Having the registration number 28069748, according to the relevant government agency, it is now Active.

  • Status

    Active updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Besloten Vennootschap more like this →

  • Address

    Valentijnsingel 11, Ter Aar, 2461SW, Netherlands
  • Update status

    Last checked at 2024-02-01 06:20:31 UTC